About Us

We are sharing the Good News of Christ & Boldly Representing the Kingdom of God through fashion.

In 2017/2018, I took my son to a local fair. The next day he wanted to tell my brother (his uncle) all about his first time at the fair and what he did. He tried to tell my brother he rode on a roller coaster, but it was not coming out that clearly. Once my brother made out that my son was saying roller coaster, I kept hearing Holy Coaster.

My son, who was under 5 at the time, but tall enough for many rides at the fair, was a little nervous riding the kiddie coaster. I reminded him that I was right there with him and everything would be alright.

The Name
I was hearing my son say Holy Coaster because just like the roller coaster keeps us on track and the operator assures us that everything will be ok, we must trust that our heavenly Father will do the same. Deuteronomy 31:6 "Do not be afraid, for the Lord God goes with you. He will never leave or forsake you." Whenever you go through something, and it feels like you can not make it, remember God is there with you keeping you on the right track.

The desire to develop a brand began with this story, and I created my Holy Coaster T-Shirt. I felt God saying if you are going to build a brand about me & all that I can do, you have to put Christ front and center of it all. Christ has to be first in all you do.

Welcome to After Christ
Our brand is modeled after Matthew 16:24-25 when Jesus said to his disciples “If anyone desires to come after Me. Let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." 

We do not just want you to make a purchase. We want you to come on this journey with us to be more like Christ. Boldly Represent the Kingdom by first letting the light shine brightly through you. Then, if you would like fashionably to wear your faith, we would love for you to shop our collections!

~Be Blessed~